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"PRIDE! #2 Edition" Collective Art Show

Welcome to "Pride! #2 Edition" Online Collective Art Show!

Observing the latest news and situation in the world we have decided to distance a bit from it and have a gulp of fresh air. We gather artists from all over the world to celebrate LOVE! As a gallery, we strive to give voice to artists who are working with the topics of gender and sexuality. We are the platform for those who are ready to talk and have a message. We are against stereotypes and advocate for freedom and equality. We want the world to be bias-free and let people finally to be who they are without judgment, shame, and guilt. Let's celebrate LOVE for ourselves first as the balance starts from each individual. #LOVEISLOVE

Artists presented:

Anna Biesuz (CU46 Project resident artist), Italy

Greta McGee, US/Italy

Maria Krugovaya & Pavel Dyagilev, Russia

Paul Lorenz, US

Tyler Alpern, US

Paul Lorenz, the United States

As an interdisciplinary artist (architecture, visual art, sound performance, and music composition), Lorenz was fortunate to exhibit nationally and globally. As a mature gay man, his senses of self and physical presence also flow from one to the other. Lorenz's work explores his body and life through a series of moments in time. He creatively shares his 'self' with his camera, other photographers and collaborates in finished pieces. His work is his autobiography. The images explore his life as a gay man with his public work in painting and drawing, making visual comparisons and compliments.

Anna Biesuz, Italy
Biesuz's art practice is engaged with investigating the unsaid about being a body, trying to reveal its unvoiced significance as well as triggering an inner reflection about the way we are habitually used to perceive it.

She reflects on the rationalization of the corporeality by the society through a hetero-normative way of existing. With her art Biesuz encourages people to experiment and determine their own pleasure free from a dispassionate logocentric imaginary, which excludes any emotional significance and ignores a culture of perception.

Maria Krugovaya & Pavel Dyagilev, Russia
Who said that a man is not allowed to wear a dress? Who said that to be gentle and sweet doesn't mean to be masculine? Who said that there is no place for such art in the world? The story about one artistic coming out through the lens of an LGBTQ+ photographer.
"And at some point, I began to have an internal incompatibility between my sensations and the external mask, this "man's" costume that I have been wearing all my life. To the point that I started to go crazy because I didn't understand what was wrong ?! And, probably, at some point, it all already overflowed."
Pavel Dyagilev

Greta McGee, US / Italy
A Lesbian, Black, Autistic American-Italian born and raised in New York City. Her multi-disciplinary creative works report on the body, spirit, and mind as they work together.
The digital art collages were selected specifically in honor of queerness and femininity. All of the images within each of the digital collages are photographs from various vintage magazines, editorial photography, all assembled on Procreate.
The collage entitled "Brat vs. Bratz", created in April 2022, contains a colored-in drawing of artist Samantha Wiley from the coloring book "Between The Lines," as well as a shot from Paris Hilton's reality tv series "The Simple Life." The collage entitled "A Classic Lesbian Tale," also made in April 2022, contains images of a vintage Gay Stories cover and various images pulled from UnSplash. The collage entitled "(Don't) Touch The Art" features the published photography of Kate Bellm. The collage entitled "Crimson Crimes" features manipulated images of a Henry Cavill Barbie doll, "Attack of the 50ft Woman" 1958 poster, a uterus, and a crushed tomato.

“(Don’t) Touch The Art”
“Brat vs. Bratz”
“Crimson Crimes”
“A Classic Lesbian Tale”
“Cake In The Desert”

Tyler Alpern, the United States
Inspiration for Alpern's painting comes from unconventional and obscure. As he said he admires unusual people who have the courage to embrace and express their uniqueness. They often possess a beauty unappreciated by mainstream culture or values. Gender, beauty, movement and form are some of the subjects Alpern explored in his many collaborations with other artists. As an art model, he explores making art and images from an entirely different approach than using paint and pen.
The paintings explore his experiences as a gay man in different, formative decades of his life.

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