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"PRIDE! Edition" Collective Art Show

Welcome to "Pride! Edition" Online Collective Art Show!

Observing the latest news and situation in the world we have decided to distance a bit from it and have a gulp of fresh air. As a gallery, we strive to give voice to artists who are working with the topics of gender and sexuality. We are the platform for those who are ready to talk and have a message. We are against stereotypes and advocate for freedom and equality. We want the world to be bias-free and let people finally to be who they are without judgment, shame, and guilt. Let's celebrate LOVE for ourselves first as the balance starts from each individual.

Artists presented:

Anna Biesuz (CU46 Project resident artist), Italy

Cipriano Ortega, United States

Keith D Buswell, United States

Kevin Booth aka Domitorus, Spain

Lirka, North Macedonia

Tamás Kacsák, Hungary

Positively Positive, United States

Cipriano Ortega, Denver, US
Ortega has used the years of health issues to break down themselves and examine their priorities. Using those years of pain they create works that examine suffering.

" Contrast is everything, Light and dark and all that lies in-between shows the human eye depth and perception. It also displays to us the lowest depths and the highest highs of experiences. Being sentient beings we rely on contrast to show us the deviations that life can take us on. My life was contrasted into depths that I now know all too well. Living with chronic health issues has shown me a contrast in life I am grateful to know.

Being Apache and Spanish I struggle with the blood that flows through me. This film captures that internal battle. Visually you see my queerness peak through by sarcastically displaying my body and play on the stereotypical over sexualized elements of music videos."

Cipriano Ortega
Promise (2020)
Kevin Booth, Spain
"As an artist I am attracted to those who feel comfortable in their bodies, gay men celebrating who they are, who have the freedom to express themselves erotically. The figure reclining in light expresses this. But the leather sofa is also important, its dark tones representing night, the universe of sexual play and the subconscious. This work is part of a series that aims to depict the shared humanity of a diversity of men."

Anna Biesuz, Italy
Biesuz's art practice is engaged with investigating the unsaid about being a body, trying to reveal its unvoiced significance as well as triggering an inner reflection about the way we are habitually used to perceive it.


"In the discourse on sexuality produced by our daily phallic culture, Pornography represents the ethic-aesthetic orthodoxy that normalizes a figurative and media language, which is articulated into a norm regarding the sense of feeling: behaviors; desirability, affective and emotional attitudes, carnal and erogenous knowledge; somatic expressivity and performative methodology socially permitted and yet exploited."

Lirka, North Macedonia
"As a double minority in this country (Lirka is Albanian by origin), the only escape i've been using for a long while now is illustrating. There have been moment's of marginalization from a nationalistic point of view, not to mention my sexual orientation. Validation for rights have become obsolete. There is an abundance for suffering especially when you hear that the only gay rights law has been neglected and there's not even a single thing to protect you (constitutionally). People are afraid of change (...) People love something to relate to at the end of the day, and i'm trying to bring people together through personal captions that can make your gears work psychologically. Trying to spread equality, love, charisma and most importantly feminism. I feel as if i owe to the human race (the female race, especially cuz of my wonderful mother) to teach each other how to be humble and teach respect through understanding. We love something to relate to. Let's hear each other stories and make this life a better experience!"
All the artworks are self-portraits of the artist.

Tamás Kacsák , Hungary
"The idealized portraits of the series Too much noise and too bright lights reflect on real-life events, while creating new parallelisms and associations. Ones that address events that affect us, whether we want it or not. Sometimes they are touching or inspiring, at other times negative and menacing (...)


What happens, when we are forced to leave our homeland and our family – not because we want to, but for some external reason. The gaze of the portrayed man suggests an internal tension. The young man in the portrait tries to direct our gaze to the problem through this tension. "

Keith D Buswell , Lincoln, US
"The world is not as strictly masculine and feminine as I was taught to believe growing up. I have learned that beneath the surface of the genders exists a gamut of voices that have historically been shoved in the closet or tucked away in drawers. My work is the queer filter by which I categorize and process how the rest of the world views me with how I perceive myself.
I use floral symbols juxtaposed to everyday undergarments in hopes of revealing the flagrant and fragrant misconceptions surrounding the sexes. Using the stark and graphic nature of the pencil on paper against the feminine backdrop of ready-made fabric, I am hoping to break down biases about what it is to be a man or a woman.

By exposing the layers just above our skin, unveiling controversial imagery normally deemed inappropriate, I am looking to establish empathy and compassion. I do not believe that a drawing is going to change someone. But perhaps through the prisms of how we categorize hetero-normative stereotypes, a development of new perspectives will form a broader cultural spectrum of gender."

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By Positively Positive

Asexuality + Aromantic poem

Most times I'm not gay enough,

queer enough because I don't date or love enough

Never had Love never wanted love

Never been in a relationship

People say I'm mars like a spaceship alien

because I never wanted love,

been in love

Got teased, harassed and groped

ridiculed like a joke

my high school, college, middle school friends

and family be all up in my business

trying to hook me up

with someone fly

asking me if I'm dating this guy

your questions are pervasive

gawking me,

teasing me as if being wanted for my body lust

Adored and mourned to desire consume me

no air left for me to breath in

Gasping for my air

reaching for my queer

I'm never fitting in with these romantic queers

They say to be human, straight, queer and gay

is to follow these seven rites of passage:

love, come out, have sex, get married, have kids,

engage, engage, engage

romance, romance, romance

people gossip chatter constantly on and on and on

and on and on and on about lovers, relationships, partners, hookups—-

they never ever pause the conversation to focus on their friend

Who is lonely and silent

content and complacent

These conversations are deadly

Where do people turn to

when no one is listening?

this world is built for romance

because people struggle hella hard

just to build community

reaching for my friends, reaching for community, reaching for my family

I'm constantly reaching; no one's there

I know people are busy

Why is it so hard to have a friendship

show up in this city?

I told my therapist what is one thing

I want my friendships to know.

I wanna feel,

feel a priority

Be a part of someone's day

say hey

I just want to just kick it,

watch movies or write poetry though a text message

Tell me about your day

These necessities feels it's granted only to the romance

because People struggle hella hard

just to build community

reaching for my friends, reaching for community, reaching for my family

I'm constantly reaching; no one's there

I know people are busy

Why is it so hard to have a friendship

show up in this city?

This phenomenon is sad

tossing people like salad

When I know platonic, intimate friendships,

Community organizing, healing cyphers

saved me

my life from misery

Gave me

my first true love

rhythm and poetry

My survival art mocked

When I tell people that I don't date

Or love enough

Never had Love

never wanted love

Never been in a relationship

People say I'm mars like a spaceship alien because I never wanted love, been in love

no air left for me to breath in

Gasping for my air

reaching for my queer

I'm never fitting in with these romantic queers

I don't date

I don't love

I'm still queer

I'm still ace when I'm grey and horny for gay sex

I'm still aro when I want a relationship

I'm still accountable

not to pimp an identity that isn't mine

Most times I'm not gay enough, queer enough

Because I don't date or love enough

Never had Love never wanted love

Never been in a relationship

People say I'm mars like a spaceship alien because I never wanted love, been in love

Positively Positive:
"Positively Positive is {one of the only artists in the entire world} that has spoken word poetry, hip-hop music, and workshops about {living with HIV since birth} and about a person who is aromantic, asexual, black, transgender and queer. {Asexuals} and {Aromantics} are a demographic {part of the LGBTQ community} missing from the overall conversation so Positively Positive bridges that gap."