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Laura Correa

Viewing room

Laura Correa (Lima, Peru, 1990)

Laura Correa was born in Lima, Peru. Correa has been documenting sexual desire starting in 2012: LGTBIQ + communities, BDSM practices, pornographic industry, and within her intimacy. Since 2018, she has been working on theorizing and creating more complex audiovisual narratives from these images.

Far from idealization or even self-complacency, this work has signified a way of knowing herself in the "other", rebuilding, learning, loving, and experiencing way. Taking into consideration that while the aesthetic aspect is relevant for Correa, the critical value in the images is also essential: forms of representation, power, places of enunciation, etc.

Wordplay in Spanish with "nudes" , but translated as "knots"
The documentary project "Nudos" shows the visualizations of conflicts, contrasts, and encounters between different spaces. Correa uses the family photographic archive and her personal archive of nudes. She reconciles the spaces: Peru and Spain, past and modern, private and public, nudes and clothing, individual and collective.
For the artist it's also a way of reconciliation with her own family, her own body and her own choices. As a migrant from the global south, not-white and not-heterosexual, she considers her body as an observer and it´s crossed by certain conditions and experiences and by a personal gaze in constant search
Inquire the photo
Oscar Wilde said: "Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power". To my way of thinking, portraying the paradoxes of sex and desire in a conservative society is paramount when it comes to understanding and improving ourselves as human beings.